Wednesday, 7 September 2016

Loosing the baby weight

When getting pregnant I promised myself I wouldn't get as big as I had in my first pregnancy. But little did I know my hormones would have other plans for my waist line. 

I suffered terrible sickness (I refuse to call it morning sickness as it was all day and all night through the entirety of my pregnancy) especially in the first 20 weeks of my pregnancy, but the nausea didn't fully stop until I popped! The only time I didn't feel completely, disgustingly sick was when I was eating so of course my weight climbed up and up. 

And the last 2 weeks of my pregnancy waiting on my lazy baby who was getting more and more overdue was quite hard on me and I think I ate a lot to make myself feel better.
By the time I had Logan I had gained 60 pounds, which shocked me when I finally gave in and weighed myself. But of course I was going to loose it all through breastfeeding so it was fine! Ha ha ha ha yea sure thing Kerrie!

I lost 25 pounds instantly in giving birth and water weight alone and then a couple more over the following week. But then it stopped and no matter what I did I didn't loose any more weight. I even tried to diet while breastfeeding and it affected my milk supply and I gained 3 pounds in a week!! So I gave up trying and decided I would give Logan 3 months of breastfeeding then stop and start my wedding diet to get my body back before wedding dress shopping begins. I ended up very easily putting on half a stone in the time before starting my diet.
My target weight loss is 50-60 pounds for my wedding. And today I reach my first stone weight loss target.

It took a few weeks for my hormones to balance out and for my milk to dry up so the first month I didn't loose a whole lot of weight, but i stuck with it and through healthy eating, calorie counting and my fitness pal app I am doing really well! One stone in the first 2 months is pretty good I think!

Of course it's hard! Having a new baby is tough there are days I'd love to stuff my face. But the one day I decided to grab a bag of chipper chipper as we were super busy getting ready for the christening and didn't have time to cook I ended up in gastric agony and puked the whole lost back up. That just proved to me the affect good and bad food have on my body. 

If your finding loosing weight hard try out My Fitness App! I think it is brilliant and I will be doing a blog post about it soon.
I feel having something important to aim for is great motivation! I just think to myself do I want that chocolate or do I want to look amazing on my wedding day? Wedding day always wins! Also my fiancĂ© is on the diet too as he wants to look his best on our wedding day too! we keep each other on track and at least it means i don't have to makes him one dinner and myself another! 
I am hoping to be down another stone or a dress size by mid October for my close friends wedding! 
I will keep you all updated! Xxx 

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