Whether its there first day of school, they are going back or are starting in a new school its an exciting and sometimes worrisome time for parents and kids alike.
In our house Corey is returning to his old school after spending the past 2 years in a speech and language class in a different school. Of course we are excited to have him back in the school we choose for him. But we are also nervous because he is returning to mainstream school, into a class of 30 students who haven't seen him since junior infants.
Corey is going from a class of 7 with teacher, teaching assistants and a speech therapist to a regular class of 30 with teacher and fingers crossed a teaching assistant. Of course last term he was integrated regularly into a full class of 30 and he got on well but you still never know whats going to happen. We just hope he will cope well.
So with all that in mind here are a few back to school tips and tricks to make the start of or return to school easy and enjoyable for all!!
- Before going back to school we like to do something special to end the summer off well. A day out to an adventure center, park or even the cinema. Let your kids decide on what they would like to do or give them choices of places you think would be great!
- On the first day or even through the first week make them extra special lunches. Let them get that disgusting nutrition less Billy Roll they where begging you for all last year. Spoil them with cereal bars and their favorite fruit and drinks. Remember to check the schools list of banned food as a lot of schools don't let the kids have chocolate, biscuits or certain treats.
- I recommend especially with younger kids or kids starting a new school that you take the first day of school off work so you can drop and collect them. I know this would be traffic mayhem if everyone did it but putting them on a bus to school when you know they have no idea where they are going when they get off can be stressful for parents and kids. So leave the house a little earlier and struggle through the traffic and lack of parking for the first day just for the peace of mind that your kid gets to their class easily. Its also good for first time school goers incase they are over upset or somthing happens you can go in if your needed to collect them!
- After school bring them for a treat. Even if its just an ice-cream or a piece of cake somewhere that you can chat and find out how there first day back was.
- Make sure your kids have good school supplies!!
- A decent school bag with big padded straps is a must especially as they get older as they will have more and more books to carry. Make sure its a good size too. A good rule of thumb is if it can easily fit a A4 ring binder in it its usually big enough!
- For pencils and pens I recommend BIC. They are good quality and wont run out fast. The BIC evolution ecolutions graphite pencils (the green ones) are the best as the nib doesn't break easily. Keep a few at home because they will more than likely come home with no pencils in their pencil case at some point and you don't want to be pulling your hair out searching for one to do their homework.
- Choice is great for stationary and copy's. They sell individual copy's from 45 cent and packs of 10 for about 3 euro. The Aisling and Ormond copys and notebooks are the best in my opinion.
- Buy your books online. I did the whole going to the booked shopping thing once and I ended up in 3 different shops and having to order a book in and going back to get it a week later! So this year I got all my books on http://www.buybooks.ie they offer 10% off and free delivery over 50 euro, plus it saves on dirty looks for leaving it so late!
- For a good pair of runners for PE and school shoes go to http://ie.sportsdirect.com/ they have great quality shoes for unreal prices!!
- Tescos is great for uniforms they are very reasonably priced. I also recommend Next and Marks and Spencers.
- If your child doesn't need a uniform a great place to get comfortable clothes and sports wear is http://ie.sportsdirect.com/ they have great brands that are cheap and if your child goes through the knees of pants like mine does you will be glad you didn't fork out a fortune on expensive tracksuits.
- Homework soon after they come home. When I was young homework wasn't done until after dinner and it was so hard to get through as I was so tried from a long day. It has happened with Corey that we had something going on and couldn't do it until late and it was torture for both of us. So my rule is have a snack when you get home then homework and you have the whole evening to relax after that.
Another point that I think is very important and I try to be very conscious of is not to tease your child because they have to go to school. Even if you loathed school (which I did) they don't need to know how you feel about it. Knowing their parents or other adults hate school can make them think its acceptable to hate it and when you hate something you tend not to work hard at it!
Make them believe you are jealous and would love to be in school. If they do say they hate it then remind them of what you loved about it even if its just being with your friends everyday. I wish I enjoyed school mabey I would have done better, so I want to do my best to make it enjoyable for my kids.
Hopefully there will be no tears! Best of lucky to all the kids and mammies and daddies! It can be an emitional time but it will be great!! Xxx