So from day one I was breastfeeding, from the moment I found out I was pregnant that was the plan. I breast fed Corey all those years ago and Logan was going to be the same.
Logan latched on and fed straight away no problem but after a day I noticed my nipples were getting more and more painful and chapped and so of course I turned to google. But everything I looked up told me the same thing 'breastfeeding shouldn't hurt', 'if it hurts your doing it wrong' so of course I started doubting myself and Logan. I started worrying that if he wasn't latching right he wasn't getting milk and as he had a touch of Jaundice the thoughts of him not getting really milk freaked me out. I tried different positions and awkward angles to change his latch and after a few very long frustrating days I realized his latch was fine and we were doing it right it was google that was wrong!!
Breastfeeding shouldn't hurt..........after about a week or two! But for that first first week you may grimace every time you baby latches on and you may be in pain every time you feed. Remember your nipples are made of very delicate skin and they are not used to being sucked and pulled on for 12 hours out of the day (unless your into that kind of thing).They may get chapped or even bleed and if that doesn't hurt you your bloody wonder woman!! But please hold on and bare through it as it is totally worth it, the bonding experience is like nothing else in life.
So a few weeks passed and I spent most of it sitting under a very fussy very hungry baby. And on one very stressful evening Niall wasn't feeling well and I had enough so I reached for the bottle.....the formula bottle that is. Just from the look on Logan's face when he got his first taste I knew he was hooked. He settled down I was able to put him down into his rocker and gather myself together. He slept like a dream that night because his tummy was full and stayed full for longer and I was given a chance to refill for his next feed. So from then on he had a bedtime bottle. Then after a week a daytime and bedtime bottle and now we are up to 4 bottles a day and the rest breast milk. I have to say Logan is a different baby. He will sit in his rocker for up to an hour at a time and he is so much more content throughout the day, all he does is smile, where as in the first few weeks he cried and cried and fussed all day long. He sleeps for anything up to 5 hours when he goes to bed so I get a good stretch of sleep which benefits me.
Now while I know breast is best and I would always breast feed a baby and I will continue to breastfeed Logan for another month or so, formula is always there and if you have and extremely hungry baby or are feeling overly stressed out there is no shame in reaching for the bottle!! Your sanity will thank you!
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