Wednesday, 22 June 2016

Two months old

Logan is two months old today! I can't believe it it's gone so fast but I can barely remember like before him.
A few things iv learned in the past few months with Logan are 

Babies cry.....sometimes for a nappy change or because they are hungry and sometimes for unknown reasons like just to hear the sounds of there own voice! Dont let it stress you out. If they are fed and burped, have a clean nappy and aren't to hot or cold and are still crying it's nothing to do with you....your not doing somthing wrong....they don't hate you (they are babies they have no concept of hate) crying is just a part of there development.

I can survive on little sleep...I love sleep I was getting at least 12 hours a day of it while I was pregnant and even before that I could barley function on less than 10. But in the first few weeks of having Logan I have managed on very few hours some days just 3 hours broken over 24 hours and still got through the day. At the moment we are at 3 to 5 hours at night then a feed then another 3 to 5 hours then up to get Corey ready for school then another 2 to 3 hours so I'm getting at least 8 hours of broken but thoroughly enjoyed sleep.

Puke on me and I'll still find you adorable....well as long as your a baby as your puke is just milk not chunks of food. its fine I'll actually coo and say how cute......its quite deranged!!

Super long hair and babies don't mix....I was growing my hair for 5 years and it was at my waist and I loved it! But it was a pain to tie up, it was always in the way when I went to feed Logan and most of the time it had baby puke in it! So I got it cut to my shoulders cause ain't no body got time for that!!! 

And that's just 2 months in I wonder what I will learn over the next few months........

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