Saturday, 2 July 2016

Breastfeeding and your waistline

When researching breastfeeding you read about all the amazing benefits it has for you and baby and one big thing for alot of women when choosing to breastfeed would be that it helps you get back to your pre pregnancy weight! It burns over 500 calories a day so why wouldn't you loose weight doing it!?
Well that's not always the case! 2 months in and apart from the initial 30 pounds I dropped in birth and in water weight I have not lost an ounce, in fact I actually put on 3 pounds the week I tried to diet!!
Breast feeding slows your metabolism, it causes water retention, it makes you super hungry and the hormones it releases cause you to store fat even when your eating well.
The one week that I tried to diet I ate really well salads and fruit and very little trash and I went walking loads I put on 3 pounds and it affected my milk supply so I had to go back to eating normally.
Now this would never stop me from deciding to breastfeed my baby I know it's best for baby and it would always be my first choice for my kids. But I feel it's unfair for breastfeeding advocates to make women believe the fat will just melt away and you will be back to your prepregnancy weight in no time if you breastfeed. I have looked on lots of forums and there are so many women in the same situation. Wondering why they are putting on weight when they were promised tiny tummies through breastfeeding. 
Now I know it might sound selfish but I have decided to stop breastfeeding at 10 weeks because I'm so hungry all the time I'm putting on weight and it's making me miserable! If I wasn't worried about getting my figure back for my wedding I would probably keep breastfeeding for a few more months. But at the moment the weight I'm putting on is more weight I'll have to work hard to loose in time for finding my dream wedding dress!! 
I'm only going ahead with this because Logan seems so much more content in the past week. He is able to self sooth and get himself to sleep where a few weeks ago I had to breastfeed him to get him to sleep most of the time! I feel like he is past the 4th trimester and is perfectly happy drinking bottles, he barley needs me to feed him anymore. Nights will be tough, actually having to get up and make a bottle at 5 in the morning will be hard but I need to do this for myself. The past year has been all about Logan I feel like I need to do this as I'm so unhappy in my body like this! 
I wish I was one of the lucky ones and that breastfeeding benefited my waistline but no such joy. I guess it's hard work and exercise from here in out!! 

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