Monday, 25 July 2016

Cry baby

All babies cry! It's just a fact of life. They do it because they are hungry, tired, dirty and some babies once evening comes will just cry for no apparent reason at all. Many will tell you your baby is colicky and you might be told to try different remedies for which may not work because colic does not just mean trapped wind it also refers to a baby who is unsettled and will resist soothing especially in the evenings. 
This type of crying is often referred to as Purple crying. It is a normal part of babies development.
PURPLE is an acronym that describes what it happening during this time 

  • P. Peak of crying. Baby may cry more and more each week peaking at 2 months and lessening there after.
  • U. Unexpected. This crying comes from nowhere and has no reason as baby is clean, fed, warm etc
  • R. Resists soothing. You rock, bounce and walk the floors for hours but nomatter what you do baby won't calm down.
  • P. Pained expression. This can be stressful because baby's scrunched up face looks like he is in pain.
  • L. Long lasting. Crying can go on for hours.
  • E. Evening. Your baby can be perfectly fine all day but as soon as you go to start dinner he begins to cry.
This type of crying can continue until baby is 4 or 5 months but is usually at its worst at 2 months old. It can be very stressful for parents when there baby is perfectly happy all day but then once the witching hour hits there baby seems to be crying in pain for hours.
Remember this is all apart of babies development and baby is fine. It is actually more dangerous for parents and caregivers as this type of crying can be so stressful that some may snap and shake baby out of frustration causing brain damage and even death to baby. 

Ways that I dealt with PURPLE crying. When Logan was a few weeks old we found he cried and cried for no reason in the evenings and I began to research why. I found many articles on purple crying and over stimulation in babies. Babies are born with very underdeveloped brains and lying in a room with bright lights, lots of noise and visitors cooing over him all day can be too much for there brains to handle and so crying begins. 
I found if at about 4pm (an hour before Logans witching hour began) I took him up to bed in a dark, quite room and lay with him while he rested or napped for a couple of hours then his crying would be alot less in the evening. 

You may be lucky and find some way to ease babies crying in a similar way or your baby may just have to cry it out. Just remember baby is fine and if you feel stressed put baby down somwhere safe like in its crib and take a few minutes to calm down. Baby will be perfectly fine left crying for a little while and your sanity is important to babies safety! 

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