Thursday, 30 June 2016

Maternity fashion: Date night

We tried to get as many dates in as possible when I was pregnant as we knew once baby came our chances to get out would be less and less. Even if we were just going to the movies I still like to look my best and put some effort in.

Normally I never wear tight dresses as I hate showing my belly but I loved showing off my growing bump when I was pregnant! I love this dress from New look for just €29.99 dress it up with wedges or down with converse. 

This top is comfy and very stylish. Great with your skinny jeans and a pair of converse or ankle boots! It's from New Look and it costs €19.99

This dress from New Look is a steal at just €18.99. It's perfect for date night and transitions from pregnancy to nursing as the wrap over makes easy access for feeding. 

This blouse from asos is adorable. I love the floral print worn with a pair of cropped jeans and pumps. It's €50.70 so it's a bit pricer than the other pieces but being a blouse you will be able to wear it when nursing so you will get alot of wear out of it.

So now you know what to wear it's time to decide where to go on your date!! It doesn't matter where you go really just enjoy the quality time with your partner! 

Tuesday, 28 June 2016

Netflix and chill

Netflix has to be one of the biggest
necessities for a new mammy. Just pick your show and watch entire series while feeding baby.
If your breastfeeding your going to spend most of your day sitting under your baby while he cluster feeds for hours at a time! And at least with Netflix you know your entertainment is sorted and you won't have to flick through channel after channel looking for somthing to watch.
My top recommendations of what I have watched so far throughout my pregnancy and the last 8 weeks with Logan would be.

Louis Theroux: if you like documentaries or even if you don't all the Louis Theroux documentaries on Netflix are amazing. I love his style and and subject content. It's funny, very interesting and entertaining. From Pornstars to neo nazi's from wrestling to the big time gamblers in Las Vegas he has every Base covered.

Grace and frankie: I watched season one of this last summer and when I saw season two was out it went straight to to top of my watch list. It's funny, quirky and heart warming. Grace and Frankie world's are turned upside down when there husbands reveal that they are much more than just business partners! The ladies move in together and hilarity follows.

Scream: if your a horror fan this one is for you. Very easy watching and not too scary. It follows a group of students being tormented and attacked by a murder who is supposedly dead. Everyones a suspect!! But who's the real killer????

Unbreakable kimmy Schmitd: this one's a no brainer! Literally you need no brain to watch it! It's simple, easy, silly and funny. I watched it in the first few days home with Logan. It's completely off the wall and over the top, full of amazing characters Titus the flamboyant room mate being my favourite! Tina Fay is a genius at comedy! It follows kimmy the surviver of a kidnapping who has been living in a bunker since 2000 rejoining the real world and moving to Newyork. 

So sit back, relax and enjoy some cuddles with baby!!

Wednesday, 22 June 2016

Maternity Fashion: Basics

Maternity fashion has improved so much over the years! When I first got pregnant at 20 there where no clothes out there for a young post 'emo kid' mammy to be. It was all floaty, floral printed and awful. I managed to find one pair of maternity jeans and a pair of leggins and I paired them with my boyfriends t shirts and hoodies and that was about it. This time around tho my maternity wardrobe was bursting. There are so many options out there for moms to be. From the third month of my pregnancy I was loving my maternity wardrobe. It was the first time in my life I was confident to wear form fitting clothes and not feel conscious of my tummy area because for once it was ment to be sticking out! 

You may think you will only be wearing your maternity clothes for about 5 months of your pregnancy but I got my first pair of maternity jeans at 12 weeks and 8 weeks post partum I'm still wearing them! So you will need a good sized maternity wardrobe to keep you going all that time.

I found the best shops to buy from were New Look, Asos and H&M. They all have very good quality clothing that wont break the bank. Here are a few of my favorite basics. Items you will need for everyday wear.

Jeans are a basic for everyone. Dress it up with a floaty shirt or dress it down with a vest, they are something you can wear everyday. I prefer the over the bump pants but then I was always a fan of high waisted jeans.
I got these skinny jeans from New Look in black and grey they are super stretchy and comfortable. And they are only €22.99

I know people who have lived in there leggings throughout there entire pregnancy and its no surprise. They are so comfy and stretch with you as you grow. I loved these leggings from H&M for just €9.99.

Vest tops are a must especially if you plan to breast feed. I live in these nursing vests from H&M and come in a pack of 2 for just €19.99. 

These maternity crew neck t-shirts are a maternity wardrobe staple. Wear with joggers for just lounging around or pair with your jeans, a blazer and a statement necklace when meeting friends for coffee (decaffeinated of course). This 2 pack is just €19.72 from

Two months old

Logan is two months old today! I can't believe it it's gone so fast but I can barely remember like before him.
A few things iv learned in the past few months with Logan are 

Babies cry.....sometimes for a nappy change or because they are hungry and sometimes for unknown reasons like just to hear the sounds of there own voice! Dont let it stress you out. If they are fed and burped, have a clean nappy and aren't to hot or cold and are still crying it's nothing to do with you....your not doing somthing wrong....they don't hate you (they are babies they have no concept of hate) crying is just a part of there development.

I can survive on little sleep...I love sleep I was getting at least 12 hours a day of it while I was pregnant and even before that I could barley function on less than 10. But in the first few weeks of having Logan I have managed on very few hours some days just 3 hours broken over 24 hours and still got through the day. At the moment we are at 3 to 5 hours at night then a feed then another 3 to 5 hours then up to get Corey ready for school then another 2 to 3 hours so I'm getting at least 8 hours of broken but thoroughly enjoyed sleep.

Puke on me and I'll still find you adorable....well as long as your a baby as your puke is just milk not chunks of food. its fine I'll actually coo and say how cute......its quite deranged!!

Super long hair and babies don't mix....I was growing my hair for 5 years and it was at my waist and I loved it! But it was a pain to tie up, it was always in the way when I went to feed Logan and most of the time it had baby puke in it! So I got it cut to my shoulders cause ain't no body got time for that!!! 

And that's just 2 months in I wonder what I will learn over the next few months........

Tuesday, 21 June 2016


For the first week of Logan's life we had no idea what to do about the sleeping situation. We were trying to figure out how to get this tiny new born baby who had been apart of me for 9 months and 2 weeks (he was obviously very attached) to sleep alone in his crib for the first time. And he hated it!
Logan was cluster feeding at the time so I was waking quite alot and there was no point in Niall not sleeping as he wasn't needed for feeding. So I like a big fool slept sitting up on the sofa or lying on the sofa while Logan was in his bassinet for spurts of 30 min to an hour at a time. Now I had a bruised tail bone along with the normal post birth pains so as you can imagine sleeping on a sofa was causing alot of discomfort. Then one night in the second week I decided enough was enough! Niall was kicked out into the guest room and myself and Logan cuddled up in my bed together and we havnt looked back since!

Sleep deprivation.....what's that??? I sleep (mabey not as deeply as I used as I'm very aware of the tiny person beside me) amazingly for someone with a new born! We are now in a 'routine' (I hate that word) where Logan will sleep in his crib beside the bed for sometimes up to 5 hours!!!! Then when he wakes Niall is kicked out onto a mattress on the floor (sleeping in separate rooms started getting to us) and Logan is popped into the bed beside me with boob on demand for the rest of the night! Usually within a minute he is back asleep and only starts wanting to feed at about 7am. 
We also nap together during the day as he won't sleep for long in the daytime without me beside him. Which means I'm forced to nap in the day time so I catch up on any lost sleep! 
Now I know alot of people will tell you not to sleep with baby in the bed! It's a very personal choice! We are very careful to keep blankets and pillows to a minimum and make sure Logan isn't covered to much and he doesn't get to warm!

I see this time as the 4th trimester. Logan is learning about life outside the womb as an individual. But he is so used to being with me and close to me that I feel it's unfair to make him sleep alone! He is only 8 weeks old and who knows what will happen I don't plan on cosleeping forever but while I'm breastfeeding it just seems like the logical choice. It happened so naturally, I never doubted my choice for a second. Logan is such a happy and content child and I feel it has somthing to do with cosleeping!

Monday, 20 June 2016

Paternity leave and paternity benefit!

Finally Ireland is catching up with the times and the paternity bill is being published tomorrow! 

We were lucky Niall works for eBay and they gave him 2 weeks paternity leave so we didn't have to wait until the bill came into affect.
It's such an important time in anyone's life and no-one wants to go into work when they have a new baby. Niall even took off an extra week of his own holidays when Logan was overdue as he just couldn't concentrate at work with the anticipation!

It was a great help to me having Niall at home in those first few weeks as I was physically and mentally exhausted after the birth and having him there really lightened the load and made life so much easier. He cooked and cleaned and comforted baby when I couldn't or needed a break. He went to the shop when needed which I wouldn't have been able to manage myself in those first few weeks. He kept my company while I sat under Logan as he cluster fed all day and night. I completely believe having him there prevented me getting depressed and I never felt overwhelmed. And by the time he went back to work we were settled and relaxed into a bit if a routine and it made that transition very easy!! 

The bill means 2 weeks paternity leave for new dad's which they can take in the first 6 months of there babies lifes and €230 benefit a week which employer's can top up to make up the balance of there salary.
Hopefully this is just a start and it will grow from this as two weeks is great to begin with but in reality it should be longer!! 

Breast is best but formula is pretty damn good!!

So from day one I was breastfeeding, from the moment I found out I was pregnant that was the plan. I breast fed Corey all those years ago and Logan was going to be the same.

Logan latched on and fed straight away no problem but after a day I noticed my nipples were getting more and more painful and chapped and so of course I turned to google. But everything I looked up told me the same thing 'breastfeeding shouldn't hurt', 'if it hurts your doing it wrong' so of course I started doubting myself and Logan. I started worrying that if he wasn't latching right he wasn't getting milk and as he had a touch of Jaundice the thoughts of him not getting really milk freaked me out. I tried different positions and awkward angles to change his latch and after a few very long frustrating days I realized his latch was fine and we were doing it right it was google that was wrong!!
Breastfeeding shouldn't hurt..........after about a week or two! But for that first first week you may grimace every time you baby latches on and you may be in pain every time you feed. Remember your nipples are made of very delicate skin and they are not used to being sucked and pulled on for 12 hours out of the day (unless your into that kind of thing).They may get chapped or even bleed and if that doesn't hurt you your bloody wonder woman!! But please hold on and bare through it as it is totally worth it, the bonding experience is like nothing else in life.

So a few weeks passed and I spent most of it sitting under a very fussy very hungry baby. And on one very stressful evening Niall wasn't feeling well and I had enough so I reached for the bottle.....the formula bottle that is. Just from the look on Logan's face when he got his first taste I knew he was hooked. He settled down I was able to put him down into his rocker and gather myself together. He slept like a dream that night because his tummy was full and stayed full for longer and I was given a chance to refill for his next feed. So from then on he had a bedtime bottle. Then after a week a daytime and bedtime bottle and now we are up to 4 bottles a day and the rest breast milk. I have to say Logan is a different baby. He will sit in his rocker for up to an hour at a time and he is so much more content throughout the day, all he does is smile, where as in the first few weeks he cried and cried and fussed all day long. He sleeps for anything up to 5 hours when he goes to bed so I get a good stretch of sleep which benefits me.
Now while I know breast is best and I would always breast feed a baby and I will continue to breastfeed Logan for another month or so, formula is always there and if you have and extremely hungry baby or are feeling overly stressed out there is no shame in reaching for the bottle!! Your sanity will thank you!

Sunday, 19 June 2016

Father's day

I hope all the amazing daddy's out there are having a wonderful relaxing fathers day!!! My baby daddy has to spend his morning at a funeral but that's the life of a team leader supporting your team at all times!!
 When he gets home he will be able to put his feet up and be spoilt with yummy bacon and pancakes, a special dinner and a banana kaboom!! 
The boys (funded by me) got him tickets to the MCM Comicon in the RDS and we are super excited for it. We brought Corey last year and he loved it and will be dressing the boys for it this year!

It's a great day out and it's a very child friendly comicon. It's got games, a show that anyone can enter to show off there costumes, comic and toy stands selling so much cool stuff, food trucks and plenty to keep the kids entertained and it's free in for kids after 11am! If your free the 2nd or 3rd of July it really is a great day out if your a comic, movie, anime, cartoon fan!! 

Thursday, 16 June 2016

Family Fun: Rathbeggan Lakes

So a few weeks ago when we were having the fabulous weather myself and extended family took a trip to Rathbeggan Lakes. We wanted somewhere we could have a picnic and the kids wouldn't get bored and goodness me there is no way you could be bored there.
It is €2.50 in per person (free for under 24 months) and that gets you parking space and access to the playground and a little farm. There are also tokens as there are so many fun activities to do there is a big climbing wall and zip line, the kids did zorbing on the lake, archery and played in the bounce zone which has about 5 different bouncy castles and a big maze to run around. My sister her hubby and there girls went on the Swan boats out on the lake. It was very busy so there was a que for a few of the attractions. My sister qued for the Swan boats for about an hour and the boys had to que for about half an hour for the zorbing.
The place was full of people who were having picnics and bbq's and the atmosphere was electric. The kids had a great day which they ended off with a trip in the little train which circled the area!
It's a fabulous spot to visit if you are in the north east of Ireland. We will definitely be going back!

Friday, 3 June 2016

Baby Bargain

Babies don't have to be expensive. If you have it spend it! Buy all the new fangled gadgets and the pram all the bloggers are using Im not telling you not to. But if your worried your going to go for broke having a baby you couldn't be more wrong.
I spent half of what most spend on a pram on the entirety of my baby things, from pram to nursery. And how did I do it you ask???? Done Deal, Adverts and bargain hunting.
After having a baby before I knew exactly what I wanted and really needed for my second baby. I had nothing left from when Corey was a baby as I was convinced we were having no more kids for years. Everything was gotten rid of when we moved house when Corey was 4.
I knew we didn't need a big, fancy, confusing, doesn't fit the boot pram so we got a light little Mamas and Papas suitable from birth buggy brand new from Argos on sale for just 80 euro! I personally feel the big prams are such a waste of money they only fit in them for a few months and once baby wants to sit up that's it gone. They are so clumpy and take up so much space even when folded down, and after I had Corey I always said I should have just gotten a maclaren as I had to buy a buggy anyway after a year and a half.
We got a glider crib for our room for 25 euro brand new your looking at paying over 100 euro.
We did up the nursery and got the cot second hand but like new for 30 euro. We got a new mattress for it in Ikea for 50 euro too. We got a nice rug for 12 euro in Ikea. My mam made the bedding from a single bed set in the colours I wanted when I couldn't find ones I liked that didn't cost over 60 euro.

We got a baby swing which costs 65 euro in Smyths for 15 euro on not a mark on it and a tiny love bassinet/ rocker which retail over 120 euro for 50 euro on Done Deal and its like new!
I got a Kinyo breast pump brand new for 25 euro on ebay it is the absolute double of the Medela which is about 150-200 euros. I also got a gorgeous diaper bag on ebay for 15 euro.
We got a tommy tippy steraliser for 10 euro on and a pack of 6 Nuby natural touch bottles in Boots on sale as 15 euro.
So if you want to save money get onto Dondeal and Adverts and shop around. Second hand doesnt mean grubby and used as most people keep there baby stuff pristine and like new! 

My birth experience: Part 2

With Logan we assumed that because Corey was early that he would be even earlier as everything I read about second babies said they would be. So from about 38 weeks I was expecting to go into labor at any second and I can tell you that made the following 4 weeks very long and torturous. Any little niggle or bout of diarrhea I took as a sign of impending labor. But no even after trying all the normal treatments to bring on labor walking for miles, curry's, long drives, hanky panky and even trying homeopathic remedies (suggested by the midwifes), acupuncture and no less than 3 sweeps baby was not moving. 
I was booked in for induction on the Friday at 4 pm so that was my deadline to stay in the MLU. On the Thursday I scrubbed the car that we had only bought the day before, fit the car seat, had a hot bath and went to bed. At 2:45 am I woke to Corey standing over me which gave me a bit of a jolt. I sent him back to bed and noticed a slight twinge in my tummy. This continued every 5-7 min for nearly an hour getting more and more noticeable (I wouldnt say painful). At about 4 I decided to get up, move around and properly time the contractions. So I went and sat on my birthing ball with pen in hand ready to log my pains. I was bouncing lightly on the ball when BANG it exploded under me and I hit the ground quite hard on my bum. I sat there for about 5 min as I didnt want to move to fast but when I tried to get up I couldnt, so I phoned Niall who was upstairs and he came running without even answering the phone. It took a few min but I got up onto the couch and then my whole body started shaking from the shock. I was worried the fall or the shock could harm the baby so I called the MLU. They calmed me down and told me to come into the labor ward to be checked. So we had to get poor Corey out of bed at 4:30 am and drop him into his auntie and granny.
We arrived at 5 and I was monitored for about an hour and a half. The contractions were getting worse and could be seen on the monitor. The midwife decided to do an internal as I was dilated by about 4 cm so they decided there was no point in sending me home. Niall went and got the bags and a lovely MLU midwife came to bring me back to there ward. While waiting I got up as I was sore from sitting being monitored for so long and from then the pains started getting bend over the bed painful. 
Niall came back and made ooobbbaaa noises (starwars reference) during my contractions which at any other time I would have found hilarious but not while I was bent over the bed moaning in pain. The wonderful midwife and trainee midwife monitored me constantly checking my pulse and checking the baby with the doppler (which was cool as they had to keep checking lower and lower as the baby moved down). By about 9:45 am I decided I needed the gas and air and we moved to a yoga mat on the ground where I could be on all fours as my feet were hurting and I couldn't sit.
At about 10 they did and internal and I was 7 cm dilated and when I got back to my all fours position I had a huge contraction and my waters broke (Im cringing just thinking of it eekk). I decided the gas and air was doing nothing but making me feel sick, fuzzy and affecting my concentration so I stopped taking it and started pushing. It was much better and I felt I was in control which I didn't feel when I had Corey as I was so out of it from the gas. When the midwife said push I did when they said stop I did. It felt like it took a lifetime, like the pain would never end and I wouldn't be able to do it. I took chunks out of Nialls hand and he could barley hold me I was pulling back so hard. I cursed like a sailor and screamed bloody murder. Logan did his first poo and the Dr was called in with a huge space age machine just incase and a second midwife was called too. I was turned onto bottomless a seat for better positioning and a few pushes later Logan was born at 10:32 am a humongous 10 pounds 7 ounces. I wasn't

allowed touch him as he might breath in the menicom (the first poo) and he had the cord wrapped around his neck twice but he was fine! The midwifes were so good and calming all the way through and I was in so much control that I didn't tear at all!
I was brought to bed and once he was checked over and wiped down he was given to me for some skin to skin contact. I was given painkillers as the after birth contractions were very painful. Niall took him after a bit and I dozed for an hour as midwifes pottered about filling out form after form. I had a shower after 1 pm and then Niall went home to have a shower and get Corey to bring for a visit. We were moved to the smaller room that evening and Niall was given a cot bed to stay on. I had a few pains during the night but nothing solphadine couldn't fix.The next day after a few checks the midwifes were happy with Logans latch and our over all health so we were given a packet of information and a had a talk with another lovely midwife and we were free to go home.

Thursday, 2 June 2016

My birth experience: Part 1

We had two very different birth experiences.
Corey arrived 3 days before his due date. I had no signs of labor that I knew of, but I had no idea what to look out for as I wasnt told. My waters broke 10 minutes after returning home from our first and only antenatal class at 3pm. We went straight into the labor ward in Our Lady of Lourdes hospital Drogheda. I was checked over and moved to the ward to wait for labor to properly kick in. We were lucky we were put into a semi private room that was completely empty.
We sat about in the bed and did nothing for a few hours ( I had no idea walking and moving would help move labor along). I had to request to be checked after about 5 hours to be told that first labors are slow moving and I would probably still be there waiting in the morning. They did the check and I was alot farther along than they expected and after that labor started moving swiftly along.
I started feeling pains at about 9pm so we went walking and even tried to get into a bath (as soon as I was submerged I had a contraction and it made it ten times worse so I got out). At about 10 I requested gas and air, by that point I had bitten poor Nialls shoulder during a particularly bad contraction so we felt it was necessary. We were moved to the pre-lobor ward where I was put on a birthing ball and given the gas and air (of which i took far too much).
By 10:30 I decided enough was enough and I wanted the epidural so we were moved to the labor room with my trusty gas and air at my side to be preped for the epidural. 20 minutes later still no anesthesiologist (it was a busy night for epidurals). I was checked again and we were told I was too far along for the epidural so it was just gas and air for me. 
I pushed, I screamed, I screamed and I pushed. I more than likely cursed Niall's name and nearly broke his hand. Most of it was a blur (the result of 2 and a half canisters of gas and air) and I dont fully remember it all.
Corey was born a big 8 pounds 7 ounces of adorable baby at 11:45.
I tore and needed 8 stitches given to me by a Dr I was convinced was singing Kanye West (gas and air again). 
Within an hour I was made get up and hobble leaning on my boyfriend for support covered in blood and who knows what else down the corridor to a shower room where poor Niall had to wash me down and dress me, and then request a wheelchair when I nearly collapsed in the shower. 
The next morning we were moved to the maternity ward full of new mams and there babies that I hid behind my curtain from. I stayed there for 4 days as I was breastfeeding and didnt feel fully confident and with Corey being jaundiced I was worried he wouldnt get enough milk to clear it.
Then after 4 days we were released into the real world.

The Midwife Led Unit

I had my second baby Logan under the care of the MLU at Our Lady of Lourdes hospital Drogheda. It was such a wonderful experience from start to finish that I would highly recommend it to anyone offered a place in the unit.
They are very strict about who they offer a place under there care in the unit. You must be a healthy weight with no prior health conditions and you must have no problems throughout your pregnancy or at any moment you can be discharged into the care of the normal maternity unit.
And you can be sure that if anything unexpected happens during the birth a dr will be called in within seconds to overlook or take over if needed.
It is a small unit with two large birthing rooms containing large bath tubs, birthing balls, sofabeds for dad, radios, fridges and en-suite bathrooms. It has one small room for checkups and for staying in if both birthing rooms are needed with an en-suite bathroom and tv. They also provide a cot bed for dads to stay over. It also has a waiting room, office and kitchenette.
It is run by a number of amazing, caring and very friendly midwifes most of who you will meet throughout your pregnancy.
Check up appointments are quick and thorough.
The aftercare is amazing. We left the hospital 24 hours after having Logan but we were not discharged from the MLU's care until a week after birth. They called everyday to see how we were getting on and made three home visits in the week after the birth to check Logans weight and make sure we were in good health.
The MLU provided us with a booklet during the birth about pregnancy, your health, what to expect, getting ready for birth and the birthing process. They also provided a pack of information when leaving the hospital after having our baby with information on breast/bottle feeding, postnatal depression, health, vaccines and child development.
Consider yourself one of the lucky ones if your with the MLU Drogheda!! 

My Hospital Experience

We were living in Galway when I first got pregnant with Corey so I had most of my care there before moving back to Drogheda to have him in Our Lady of Lords hospital. 
I remember a lot of waiting around and long appointments between both hospitals, sometimes lasting 3 hours and most of that was sitting around waiting for different checks. The care was fine during my pregnancy but I feel now after my second experience that the care and information given was lacking.
My second pregnancy I was under the care of the MLU in Drogheda which is The Midwife Led Unit. It was an amazing experience from start to finish and I recommend them to anyone offered a place.
There was virtually no wait time at appointments. In and out in 30 min most days I think the longest we were in was one hour. I was given so much information throughout the pregnancy and never felt unsure of what was happening. And even there aftercare is amazing.
So I had a much more positive experience second time round.

My Pregnancy Experiences

Being pregnant at 20 and being pregnant at 28 were two very different experiences. They were so different infact we were convinced I must be having a girl in my second pregnancy! Which just goes to show how every pregnancy can differ drastically.
I suffered morning sickness with both babies. The first time up until the very day I reached the second trimester but the second time around it never fully went away. I suffered badly with it for 20 weeks but it was always there in the background making me feel nauseous unless I ate constantly up until I gave birth.
I suffered with terrible back pain, joint pain and hip pain in my second pregnancy that I dont remember having in my first. I couldnt sit or stand for long periods of time and sleeping was very uncomfortable for me.
I had heart palpitations and found it hard to catch my breath sometimes from around week 20 of my second pregnancy which never happened in my first.
I got very fat both times LOL. Even tho I promised myself I wouldn't in my second pregnancy eating was the only thing to keep the nausea at bay so I ate constantly. 
I was tired all the time and napped all day long even though i was sleeping all night too (broken up by the constant trips to the bathroom).
Luckily I never suffered with anything serious in my pregnancy (although I complained like I was going through the worst pregnancy ever and my fiance can vouch for that). Low iron was my only concern towards the end of my second pregnancy.
I put it down to age and I know I wasn't technically old at 28 having Logan but having Corey at 20 seemed alot easier!

Intro: First time mammy again!!

So I decided to create this blog to give me something to do between feeds and nappy changes, to keep my brain ticking over and prevent insanity from boredom! 
I also thought it would be great to have a different perspective on motherhood from someone who has done it once as a very young mother (at the tender age of 21) and is also a new mother (it feels like starting from scratch having my second baby at 28). 
So I have a newborn (6 weeks tomorrow) and a 8 year old and let me tell you its a whole different ball game this time around!!
I may not be the best writer in all the land but I want to write something relate-able to all mammy's out there nothing pretentious (seen as I needed spell check to spell that one for me).
I hope you enjoy this blog!